Dear beloved very ignored readers,
I am terribly sorry for my absence and I'm sure you've all been terrified that I fell off the face of the earth or some very possible thing such as that. Never fear! I took a very long knitting hiatus and have come back, sort of. I worked a while on the front of the sweater, worked more on the glove (still not done...) and I have finally found a project for my skein of Mad Hatter
Legwarmers! I have never actually worn legwarmers but I would like to give them a chance and apparently a lot of my friends think I'd be cute. So I tried to find a pattern, but did not find one I was very happy with so much to my chagrin, I decided to design my own. Right now, where ever Thane is at, he is laughing at me because I swore up and down , I will NEVER design my own stuff. It's stupid and hard and blah blah blah. But he won't have the last laugh because legwarmers are well, simple. Super simple even, all I had to do was cast on some even number and then wrap it around my leg to see if it would fit! So I did, and now as I'm writing this I am about halfway up my leg on the first one! It looks amazing in my personally opinion and am very happy with it.
Color is a bit washed out in the picture but it'll do!
So as most of you can imagine, I am burnt out on these gloves, and I will more than likely never do another pair of gloves from a pattern ever again. The point of a pattern for ME is that I don't have to alter it and keep track of things. If I wanted to have to make 20 changes I would've just designed my own pattern for Pete's sake! So I've resolved, again I'm shaking my fist at Thane, that I need to play around with designing a glove pattern! But enough of that. Onward to a happier image!
Yay for cables! This is a beautiful hat and super fast knit! Super Bulky yarn saves my life haha. I'll be giving this amazing hat away today to Janet! At least I am accomplishing things, even if it isn't the gloves that I should've finished a month ago... Alas you cannot dwell on the past!
That is about all I have for today I might post later tonight with my progress on the legwarmers or gloves!
Thanks for reading!
nice hat, keep knitting little swash!!