Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Toes up! Needles to the side.

Hello dear Ramblers!

I have been put on a standstill for my sweater because I am on my last ball of yarn and alas, I have two whole sleeves and the neckband left...not enough. But an amazing person on ravelry had some for sale! Yes, she saved me about 15 bucks, lucky me!

But moving on to the exciting news, it pertains to the title of this post.

Toe up socks!

You read that correctly folks, Ashley has finally decided to do some socks and toe up! For those of you who don't know you can either start your socks at the top (cuff) or the bottom (toe). There are positives and negatives to each but for me the choice was clear - toe up!

Ashley's Reasoning (I know I usually don't have any but bear with me)

  • Toe up allows you to try on the sock as you knit so you'll know if it fits!
  • Never run out of yarn again! If you run out simply end the socks and get a shorter cuff
  • I think toe up socks look cooler when someone runs up to you and said whatcha knitting?

See, that wasn't too much reason!

Anywho, I'm doing a very pretty pattern by Maureen Foulds and it is her new sock pattern Captain Hastings. I'm doing it to enter in two different knit-a-longs(KALS) and one is her KAL and the other is part of Eat Sleep Knit 's Yarnathon! For the Yarnathon a person needed to go beyond themselves and do something they have never done, I did it doubly because I have never done socks nor toe up! Very excited for these KALS and for the socks in general.

I know it doesn't look like much but great things have humble beginnings, like little baby Jesus :) 

That's about all I have for everyone today besides I'm sitting here waiting for a huge package today, I'm very impatient! I will let everyone know what is in it when it comes :)

Keep on rambling,
